
How to Boost your Online Store: 5 Tips

online store

Boosting your online store is the best way to increase sales and earn more money. To do this, you just need to target the right audience and be referenced on the first page of Google. This is the best way to optimize traffic and increase sales. To do this, you have to work on several levels, not relax your efforts and be patient. Like a permaculture garden, your e-commerce is part of an ecosystem that requires regular care. Discover our 5 pro tips without delay and take action!

1. Gain an audience by creating an addictive blog

Simply opening a classic online store is like setting up a business in the middle of a potato field. You can always wait, nothing will happen. Why? Because the web is so vast that it contains an incalculable number of e-commerce sites! If you don’t mark the way to get to yours, only a few lost Internet users will stumble upon your site. To optimize your e-commerce, you have to please Google, which is a real glutton. It thrives, among other things, on quality editorial content. For your site to rise in the first search results, you will have to write optimized articles and post regularly.

The more quality articles you publish, the higher they will go up in the Google results pages. Thus, Internet users who are interested in your subject will have much better visibility on your e-commerce. You will therefore attract your customers, those who will make purchases in your shop. This is called organic traffic which brings in a targeted audience, real potential customers. Once a site appears in the first results of Google, it becomes difficult to dislodge it. However, we must continue to write regularly.

2. Write an “about” page that makes you dream

Don’t think that writing three dull lines about your business is enough to capture your readers’ attention. To boost your online store, you have to make a difference and talk about the reasons that led you to embark on the adventure of web entrepreneurship. People love being told stories. This humanizes the commercial relationship and makes it unique. Unlike a non-virtual store, an e-commerce site allows this, it is important not to deprive yourself of it. Talk about yourself and what drives you, your passion for the products you sell. Do not hesitate to go far back in your past, evoke the child that you were and who, perhaps, already had the flame in him. Offer your potential customers the story of the triggering event: a meeting, a trip, the birth of a child, etc.

The “about” page is your company’s story, it’s your personal legend. Be sincere and simple, and give your readers the feeling of authentic closeness, which should convince them to trust you. At equal value, we are always more inclined to buy the products of a person who seems familiar to us. Take the test yourself, professional ghostwriters will see that sympathy capital plays a real role in commercial relations. Writing a beautiful “about” page is a way to mark the minds of Internet users and to stand out from the competition. It’s called storytelling and it’s a content marketing technique. Very efficient and proven.

 3. Build strong links to boost your online store

When doing an SEO content audit, we often realize that the person who built his site does not know the virtues of net linking. But what is it, then? This consists of earning backlinks (links from quality sites, having the same theme as yours and pointing to it). The more the source sites will be recognized by Google, the more their backlinks will have a strong impact on your SEO. Once again, we see the interest in having quality content that attracts quality sites. The exchange of good practices consists in creating outgoing links toward serious sites, against backlinks that will carry weight. It’s a virtuous circle, a “win-win” process. However, it is not recommended to introduce too many outgoing links, otherwise, you will lose your visitors.

Internal linking is essential for a pleasant and optimal user experience (UX): it involves integrating links that will point to the pages of your site that you want to highlight. Like traffic signs, they allow customers to visit your e-shop without missing a thing. The goal is to encourage them to stay as long as possible connected to your e-commerce! Google likes this because it is an indicator of quality content for them. This is an excellent professional technique and will see your bounce rate gradually decrease.

4. Seduce customers with newsletters that inspire

Newsletters are not to be taken lightly. Real booster shots, allow you to retain your audience and of course, to do their job as newsletters: give very fresh news from your online store, announce special events such as sales, a contest, new products, etc. Always think about UX, and put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Like you, they certainly receive dozens of commercial emails which usually end up in the trash. So do not multiply the mailings, one letter per month is already very good. Your prospects won’t feel harassed but respected. They may even be happy to hear from you!

Choose a catchy title without being too flashy, adding a little emoticon seems to be appreciated. Use their first name, it personalizes the letter, making it less anonymous. Take care to write only really interesting information for your customers, because they don’t have time to waste. But somewhere one or two relevant links to your site, add a little humor, in short, be light! The goal is to make your customers want to come back to see you to buy this new product that has made them crack. The newsletter is a real communication tool that allows you to keep in touch. You can even measure their impact on the Search Console or Google Analytics. Be careful, however, to respect the General Data Protection Registry that governs the use of users’ personal data.

5. Gain traffic through social networks

Ah, social networks … Some extol them, and others avoid them like the plague. Let’s be fair, they have their place in the ecosystem of an online store because each of them has at least one virtue that will help boost sales and increase traffic on an e-shop:

Either way, don’t dwell on social media. Time-consuming and addictive, they generate fragile traffic that must be constantly renewed. One can exhaust oneself there for an ephemeral result. Be strong and disciplined, and give them the place they deserve in your schedule as an entrepreneur: 1/2 hour to 1 hour a day, all-inclusive, is more than enough to show that you are there, very present. You can also call on a community manager who knows the mysteries of social networks inside out and thus save precious time.

As you will have understood, it is not enough to put products online on an e-commerce site to generate a satisfactory turnover. You now know the techniques to boost your online store. This requires multiple skills, methods, and a lot of rigors. However, by applying the web marketing techniques described above from the start, you will achieve your goals more easily and in a sustainable way.

You are not very comfortable with SEO writing? Is your schedule already overloaded? We can help you with your daily work: come tell us about your project!

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