
React Native Apps: How to Make Them Faster

React Native Apps

React Native is without a doubt the method of choice for creating hybrid apps in the future. When it comes to designing an app, it offers scalability, flexibility, speed, agility, cost-efficiency, and exceptional performance. This is the rationale behind the use of React Native by many prosperous businesses to create their applications. Every company needs high-performing software that can significantly satisfy client expectations in the Internet age, after all.

React Native aims to offer everything required to create a useful application. However, there are times when you could feel that your software needs to be optimized. Here is where choosing expert React Native development services that can assist you in enhancing the performance of your app via the use of best practices come into play.

Even though React Native is one of the top technologies for developing apps, performance problems with your app may occasionally occur. As a result, it’s crucial to focus on best practices and performance improvements for your React Native app while it’s being created.

We will discuss some best practices for improving the performance of React Native applications in this blog.

Performance Tips for React Native Apps:

Let’s delve into the list of best practices to see how they can help a React Native app perform better:

Use the appropriate navigation strategies

Developers may have navigational issues with React Native apps. Thanks to the large React Native developer community, many navigational issues have already been handled, but certain issues still need to be fixed. On occasion, it stops the apps from providing consumers with a perfect experience. React Navigation, iOS Navigator, Navigator, and Navigation Experiment are just a few of the solutions that are fortunately available to address these issues. While IOS Navigator is only used for iOS navigation development and can only be used to fix navigation difficulties with small applications and prototype development, React Navigation is chosen by developers for a wide range of apps regardless of size.

Don’t use scroll view to render large lists

There are two methods for showing items in scrollable lists in React Native: using the Scroll View and Flat List components. Scroll View makes it easy to display a scrollable list, but when the list has many items, it might have a negative impact on the performance of the React Native app as a whole. Experts advise using a Flat List to list the items in order to resolve this problem.

Functions should not be passed inline as props

It is preferable to avoid supplying a function inline when passing it as a property to a component. It’s because the parent occasionally produces a new function when it re-renders a new reference. Simply said, even when the props are unchanged, the child component re-renders. Declaring the function as a class method or a function inside a functional component is advised. You can eliminate the chance of deleting references across re-renders in this method.

Go for Scaling & Resizing Images

Make sure to concentrate on image optimization, particularly graphical content or photos, when it comes to enhancing the efficiency of your React Native app. Your React Native app may use a lot of memory on a device if you render several photos at once. Here’s when it becomes crucial to properly optimize photos for size and resolution. If not, it can cause your program to crash as a result of memory overflow. Using PNG instead of JPG, using photos of lower resolution, and using WEBP format for images are some of the greatest React Native app image best practices. WEBP format can reduce the binary size of your images on iOS and Android by almost a third of their original size.

Cache Images

The mainstay of React Native is images. This component is used to show photos; however, it doesn’t offer a ready-made fix for problems like presenting a large number of images on a single screen, poor performance, slow cache loading, and image flickering, among others. However, there are approaches to solving these problems. Using third-party libraries like react-native-fast-image helps fix these problems. For both Android and iOS app development, this library performs like magic.

Avoid Unnecessary Renders

There is a useful optimization technique for preventing pointless renderings on the main thread of a React Native application. You can achieve so easily by using the memory-handling React function. memo (). Simply explained, a component will use the previously cached properties and render the JSX view supplied by the functional component just once when it receives the same set of properties more than once. This reduces rendering overhead.

Use Hermes

Nothing more than an open-source JavaScript engine, Hermes is primarily designed for mobile applications. Hermes’ primary job is to cut down on the APK’s download size, memory requirements, and load times. As well as the amount of time it takes for the program to become interactive. Hermes can be enabled for both iOS and Android if you get expert Native App Development Services from an established business.


You can enhance the performance and speed of your React Native app using a variety of other optimization techniques. Such as using native Driver with the animated library, avoiding arrow functions, using higher-order components sparingly. Avoiding bulk reducer implementation, using style references correctly, and many others. Even though React Native is a well-liked and effective technology, performance should still be taken into consideration while developing apps.

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